* PRIZE CERTIFICATES FOR 1st, 2nd and 3rd placing in each section.
SECTION 1 Class 8101 Large Industrial, Manufacturing and Agribusiness
SECTION 2 Class 8201 Government & Semi Government Bodies
SECTION 3 Class 8301 Service Industries- includes wholesaler and retailers
SECTION 4 Class 8401 Churches, Community Services & Social Organisations
Information for Stall Holders
The Morobe Show organising committee extend the invitation to you/your company to take up your previous stand at this year’s Morobe Show. We trust that you will once again favour us with your support by participation as a commercial exhibitor at this years show.
Should you decide not to exhibit at the Show, please advise the Secretary of your decision. The stall will then be reallocated at the discretion of the Show Committee. The stand cannot be sublet or assigned by any other party other than the Show Committee.
If you are not a Stall Holder and would like to be then contact the Secretary as soon as possible and register your interest.
Stallholders are advised to read and be aware of the following:
Stall holders/Exhibitors warrant and indemnify the Morobe Province Agricultural Society and its members against any claim or actions against the Morobe Province Agricultural Society and its members for loss and/or damage to their property and personal accident or injury to themselves or their employees from accident or injury sustained within the show grounds by any cause whatsoever and be adequately insured.
Each stand is allocated One (1) Vehicle Pass and limited free entry tickets. These will be available for collection from the Show Secretary’s office at the Show Ground from Monday September 12th until Friday October 7th. It is the stallholders responsibility to collect these passes, should you not collect the vehicle pass by 4pm Thursday 6th vehicular access to the showground may be denied. Only those vehicles displaying the Official 2022 Vehicle Pass will be admitted to the grounds. All exhibitors with a vehicle pass must enter the showground via the Exhibitors Entry gate (Cnr Air Corps Road & Morobe Ave).
Commercial Exhibitors Vehicles are only able to enter the Showgounds between 7.00am and 10.00am and between 3.00pm and 6.00pm on both Saturday and Sunday. Due to congestion access outside of those times is not possible.
Stall Holders are advised that as part of the Sponsorship arrangements that the Morobe Province Agricultural Society has entered into with some of its Sponsors the sale, display and promotion of soft drinks, cordials, fruit juices and bottled water as well as milled rice are restricted within the confines of the Morobe Province Agricultural Society Showground to Coca Cola and Trukai respectively. Details of the restricted products are available from the Secretary and it generally applies to any products that are competitors to the previously mentioned Sponsors products.. Any Stall Holder found to be intentionally ignoring this restriction and refuses to comply with the Committee’s direction in this matter will have their stall closed without any compensation being considered. The Stallholder will also be disqualified from obtaining a Stall at any future Shows.
As part of the show’s annual events, a panel of independent judges will visit all commercial exhibits on Saturday (10AM -2PM).
Stands are judged using the following criteria:
- Originality of designs and presentation of stall
- Visual Appeal & Cleanliness (overall appearance of stall)
- Effectiveness in attracting show goers attention
- Is the company and /or product being effectively promoted.
The overall winner of best exhibit will be have their name engraved on the perpetual trophy and will be presented with the trophy during the show program. Certificates will be awarded to all placegetters in each category.
SHOW SITE/STALL RENTALS – Terms & Conditions
The Rental Site/Stall that you will occupy is as designated by the Morobe Province Agricultural Society (MPAS).
ELECTRICITY: Supply, installation and maintenance of electrical fittings and cables within each Stall are the responsibility of the Stallholder. Any work on electrical fittings and cabling must be done by a competent tradesman. Once the Stallholder has ensured that all electrical fittings and cabling is safe then the MPAS will arrange connection to the Stall. MPAS covers the cost of electricity consumed. MPAS will have a Backup Generator for the Showground but supply is NOT able to be guaranteed and it may be best for the Stallholder to arrange his own backup power.
SHOWGROUND ACCESS: Commercial Exhibitors will be issued with a Vehicle Sticker (one only), which is to be attached to the front windscreen (inside passenger side) of the vehicle, which will be supplying goods to your stall/site.
Traffic Flow – Commercial vehicles must enter through the Aircorps Road entry gate (Exhibitors gate) and leave through the Jawani St exit gate. One-way traffic around the arena must be observed.
PARKING: No vehicle is to remain parked at your stall – THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE. Any vehicle remaining at a stall will be towed away and impounded. If required, Stallholders may park in the Exhibitors Carpark (located inside the grounds behind the Cattle and Horse Stalls near the Aircorps Rd entry gate. (Refer to the Showground Map below.) Trucks will be required to park outside of the grounds. Parking outside the grounds is available (for a fee) in the St Pauls School grounds which can be accessed from Aircorps Rd. Please ensure all staff is aware of the penalty for parking at stands – vehicles WILL be towed.
SECURITY: Security on stalls is the responsibility of the stallholder. MPAS provides perimeter security and limited internal security only. Police will control the show patrons as well as maintain law and order. Please Note that all security guards and security company vehicles are required to have vehicle passes and individual entry tickets for entry to the Showgrounds each time that they enter. It will be the Stallholders responsibility to arrange for these for the security staff that you have on the Stall.
MPAS COMMITTEE: All directions from a MPAS Councilor or Committee Member must be followed without argument. Any stallholder aggrieved by a direction from a Councilor or Committee Member can object at the secretary’s office. All Committee members wear an identifying lapel ribbon.
ACCESS HOURS: The grounds are open to stallholders from 7am – 10am and 3pm – 6pm for the purpose of restocking the stalls. Access during the day is limited and not able to be provided between 8am and 5pm.
SHOW HOURS: The showground is open to the public from between 8am – 5pm Saturday and 8am – 5pm Sunday.
TICKET SALES: The Show secretary’s office will be open for two weeks prior to the Show for the purchase of all entry tickets (single entry & gold pass). All persons entering the showground are required to present a ticket. Single entry tickets gain entry once only. A membership ticket allows multiple entries to the showground. Single entry tickets may be purchased by your staff for their families – this avoids having to queue to purchase tickets at the ticket booths. Gold Passes are also available.
Pre-purchase tickets are single use tickets only. All persons entering the showground must present a ticket on entry (this includes all passengers of vehicles). Single entry tickets will be collected by security on entry into the grounds at pedestrian and vehicle entry points.
GOLD PASS: Gold Passes are a specially made and easily identifiable wrist band worn throughout the weekend of the Show. The wrist band must be securely worn on the wrist and NOT be able to be slipped over the hand.
Gold Pass holders will enjoy:
- Unlimited entry for the duration of the show. (Saturday & Sunday).
- Parking in Members car park (located inside the showground, access via Bumbu Road entrance gate).
- Access to the member’s enclosure & grandstand (entry gate adjacent to the show secretary’s office).
Conditions: The Morobe Province Agricultural Society will take all possible care but accepts no responsibility for vehicles parked in the Showground. You should not keep any valuables in your vehicle if it is unattended. Lost or stolen Gold Pass’s will not be replaced. Please take care of your Passes, when outside the member’s enclosure. To gain access to the member’s enclosure your Gold pass must be displayed on your wrist. When in the member’s enclosure your Gold pass must be displayed at all times. Anyone that carries their Gold Pass in their pocket will be required to put it on otherwise the Pass will be confiscated. Membership of the Morobe Province Agricultural Society is available for anyone wishing to join the Society and who is willing to uphold the goals and objectives of the Society. Membership application forms are available from the Show Secretary’s Office.
STALLS: All Stalls and fixed improvements within the Showground are the property of the MPAS unless covered by a specific written agreement to the contrary. Any stalls provided or allocated by MPAS to a Stallholder can be renovated, refurbished, modified and maintained by the Stallholder provided that all such renovations, refurbishment and modifications have the prior approval of the MPAS Committee. All fixed improvements become the property of the MPAS. Any new Stalls or structures installed by any Stallholders also require the prior approval of the MPAS Committee and they will become the property of the MPAS upon being installed.
The Stallholder has the first right of refusal to use the Stall that they have previously used or been alloocated at the next Morobe Show, at the agreed Stall Space Hire Rate. Any Stallholder that declines to use the Stall that they have previously used in the year following forfeits the first right of refusal and the Stallholder that the Stall has been re-allocated to then has the first right of refusal for the following Show.
The Stall Space Hire Rate will be set by the MPAS annually and is likely to increase in line with inflation and any other influencing factors.
Internal as well as external Stall maintenance will be the responsibility of the Stallholder and will include all electrical fittings and reticulation.
The Stallholder has exclusive use of the Stall over the Show weekend only and MPAS reserves the right to utilise the Stall for other events that may be conducted at the Showground, at any other time, provided however that if the Stallholder is involved in the other events as well then the Stallholder will again have first right of refusal to use the Stall provided that the agreed Stall Space Hire Rate, if any, is paid.
If the Stall is adjacent to a road and the Stall provides an opportunity for signage to be directed outside of the Showgrounds then the MPAS reserves the right to levy a Signage Fee annually for the right to use the Stall for signage or billboard purposes. The costs of the signage, erecting the signage and any Council or Statutory fees in relation to the signage will be payable over and above the Signage Fee by the Stallholder.
By accepting the approval by the MPAS to use the allocated Stall and paying the agreed Stall Space Hire Rate the Stallholder acknowledges that he will ensure that the Stall and any improvements allocated to them will be maintained and constructed to the applicable building code in PNG and indemnifies the MPAS from any claims for loss of life or injury and loss or damage to property arising from the structures and use of the structures that comprise the Stall allocated to the Stallholder.
Lae Showground Office – open two weeks prior to the Show
Office Hours: 9am – 1pm Monday – Friday
9am – 4pm Thursday & Friday before the Show over the Show weekend
9am – 11am Monday after the ShowShow
Outside Normal Show Dates: Show Desk at Professionals Lae Real Estate Office, Professional Haus, Fifth Street, Lae. Office Hours 9am – 1pm Monday – Friday
Download the Commercial Exhibitors Rental Terms and Conditions
SHOWGROUND MAP (Click on the map to enlarge)