
Membership of the Society is open to anyone who is sympathetic to the goals and objectives of the Society and who would like to join the Society. Membership entitles people to attend General Meetings of the Society and to stand for any office within the Society.

Membership entitles the member and his family (in the case of Family Membership) to come and go from the showground throughout show as desired. Access is also provided to the Membership Enclosure located behind the Secretary’s office and parking facilities in the Members Carpark located within the Showground. Joining the Society can be done by opening the Membership / Gold Pass Application Form on the link below and sending the completed form to the Secretary.

Membership rates change from year to year so check with the secretary for the current rates.

Morobe Show Gold Pass

People who wish to have access to the Members Enclosure and Members Carpark and unlimited access to the Showground but do not wish to become a member of the Society due to the fact that they reside outside of Papua New Guinea or have no interest in the goals and objectives of the Society can purchase either Individual or Family Gold Passes. This enables the holder to enjoy all the priveleges of Membership without the commitment required.

Gold Passes cost the same as Membership and can be applied for on the Membership / Gold Pass Application Form on the link below.

Photographer’s Pass

The main arena where the traditional dancing is conducted on the Sunday of the Show weekend is only available to access by Officials and photographers who have purchased an official Photographer’s Pass (a special I.D. Vest worn on the weekend). These passes are available from the Secretary’s Office and are only available to people who are either Members or Gold Pass Holders. If you require a Photographer’s Pass this should be indicated on the Membership / Gold Pass Application Form which is available on the link below. It is also necessary to lodge a deposit on the safe return of the Photographers Vest to the Secretary.

Commercial Exhibitors

Commercial Exhibitors will receive a number of Gold Passes with their Stall rental. Any requirements for extra passes will be required to be purchased from the Secretary. Passes able to be purchased are Gold Passes or Pre Paid Gate Tickets which are “use once only” on either Saturday or Sunday. Commercial Exhibitors should make themselves aware of the Terms and Conditions for renting stalls and space during the show period so that there is no confusion or misunderstandings. Go to the Exhibits page and click on Commercial Exhibits to see the Terms and Conditions for Commercial Exhibits. Please contact the Secretary if you have any queries.


Application Form

  • Prices (incl GST)

  • Price: $ 125.00
    1 Adult
  • Price: $ 60.00
    1 Child - 12 years old or less
  • Price: $ 250.00
    Price listed is per person. For people who want to get close to the traditional dancing in the main arena. The Pass Holder is able to access the main performing arena and take unlimited photos. It is also necessary to purchase a Gold Pass. The Photographers Pass will also come with a Photographers Vest to be worn by the Photographer in the performing arena. A refundable deposit will be required to be lodged on the Photographer's Vest. This will be refunded when the vest is returned at the conclusion of the Traditional Dancing
  • Price: $ 250.00
    A Photographers Vest is provided with a Photographers Pass. It is necessary to lodge a refundable deposit on the safe return of the Photographer's Vest. The deposit will be refunded when the vest is returned at the conclusion of the Traditional Dancing.
  • Price: $ 2,200.00
    For people interested in supporting the Society and/or attending Shows at any opportunity that pleases them then for the fee above you can purchase a Membership subscription for Life.
  • $ 0.00
  • A PDF with your answers will be emailed to you. Alternatively you can print this page.