What is Next Generation?
The Next Generation (NG) is a forum established by the Royal Agricultural Society of the Commonwealth (RASC) which brings together people under the age of 40 from all across the globe, who share a common interest and passion for Agriculture.
About the Next Generation
The Next Generation play a huge role within the RASC and its member societies – one of which is the Morobe Province Agricultural Society (MPAS). Since 2004 the Next Generation (NG) have hosted their own biannual conference before the main RASC conference begins. The NGs have grown from strength to strength, sharing information and knowledge across the RASC. The NG conference allows fellow NGs to participate and share experiences and build a network with people of a similar interest. Not only does it allow people to get involved at the conference but it also enables the youth to get involved with their local and national show societies. It is a great way to meet and network with people all across the globe.
The RASC recognises the importance of encouraging youth across the Commonwealth and encouraging people to get involved with Agriculture and Agricultural Shows. The MPAS has also developed a Next Generation Group within the MPAS which aims to encourage the inclusion of young Papua New Guinean’s into the MPAS.
The Next Generation seeks to:
• Encourage future leaders within the MPAS, the RASC and its member societies
• Bringing youth together that share a common interest
• Knowledge sharing and information exchange
• Assisting other member societies where possible
The RASC Next Generation conducted an assistance and understanding mission to Papua New Guinea in 2015. If you are interested in becoming part of the Next Generation you should apply to the MPAS to become involved. If you are not currently involved with an RASC member society but you would like to become involved please contact the RASC Next Generation Facilitator who can assist by putting you in touch with a member society in your region or country.
Contact Next Generation
For further information please contact
RASC Hon Next Generation Facilitator Anna Playfair-Hanny
Find us on Facebook at
Or contact the MPAS NG Facilitator Crystal Artango
MPAS President Mike Quinn at the RASC Conference 2016 with RASC President HRH the Princess Royal and other Honorary Fellows of the Society