The expo is proudly sponosored by Colgate Palmolive.
The Morobe Show Health Expo is an initiative of the Morobe Provincial Agricultural Society and has been a feature of the Show for over the past decade. For the majority of that time, the Health Expo has been sponsored by Colgate-Palmolive PNG under their flagship brand – Colgate.
Many people particularly from remote rural areas of Morobe don’t get the opportunity to find out about topical health issues and obtain advice on matters that are concerning them and their families. The Health Expo is a venue where these matters can be addressed – discreetly and safely.
The Morobe Show Health Expo gives both government and non-government health related organisations the opportunity to publicise their programs and support services to those that attend the Morobe Show. Some organisations offer such services as immunisations, HIV testing, advice on family and sexual violence issues and dental checks – just to name a few.
Apart from Colgate-Palmolive showcasing the venue with their Colgate and Protex brands, other organisations that participate include Lae International Hospital, Susu Mamas, Marie Stopes, Ginigoada, Morobe Provincial Health, PNG Family Health, TB Dots, PSI and many more.
If you do attend the Morobe Show, it is definitely worth your time to pop in and check out the Colgate Morobe Show Health Expo located in the Morobe Show Hall.